Day 1 - Session 3
Sept. 22, 12:00 - 12:50 pm (EST/USA)
5:00 - 5:55 pm (London)
Sept. 23, 2:00 - 2:55 am (Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane)
Sept. 23, 4:30 - 4:55 am (New Zealand)
Peer Support, Resilience, & Mental Health

Lt. John Coppedge
Director of Training, Denver Police Department (USA)
Integrating Technology into Peer Support
Lt. Janna Salisbury
Commanding Officer, Employee Assistance Unit, New York City Police Department (USA)
COVID-19 forced the us all to adjust the way we communicate with each other. The EAU quickly learned that traditional face-to-face interactions would be limited and embracing technology would allow the Unit to provide the personal support and interaction that members have come to expect from their Peer Counselors. The Employee Assistance Unit and its parent command, the Health and Wellness Section, have incorporated an on-line presence that has provided a continuity in support services through a very trying time for first responders.
Peer Support from Reactive to Proactive approaches
Sgt. Brent MacIntyre
Peer Support Coordinator, Ottawa Police Service (Canada)
Redefining how an organization sees the peer support paradigm is a key component to a healthy workplace. Transitioning from a purely reactive model of peer support towards a model which includes peer support throughout the organization is a key to walking the walk of a caring employer. Peer support within organizations need to refocus their attention on program delivery even during fiscal restraints and consider partnering with allied agencies to provide the best program available for a resilient workforce.
Peer Support, resilience and online resources
Joe Gazis
Clinical Psychologist; Clinical Advisor, Peer Support Network, Victoria Police (Australia)
Victoria Police in association with the Police Association of Victoria have developed an online wellbeing app for emergency services workers that I will be presenting. Victoria Police has also developed a website called Bluespace that I will also discuss in relation to its use by Peer Support Officers to assist themselves and their colleagues to enhance their resilience. Bluespace is a wellbeing internet site dedicated to supporting police officers and their families.
Building a Resilient Work Force Through the Power of Support
Denise Jabonski-Kaye, PhD
Clinical Psychologist; Assistant Commanding Officer, Behavioral Science Services, Los Angeles Police Department (USA)
Peer Support provides 4 essential services:
Emotional Support- through empathy and compassion.
Mentorship - through answering questions and providing guidance.
Resource Support - helping people know available services and how to access them.
Connectivity - helping people stay connected and know that they are not alone in their struggle.
Lt. John Coppedge
John Coppedge has served as a police officer with the Denver Police Department since 1992, where he currently serves as the Director of Training and supervises the departments employee wellness and resiliency program. John has been a member of the agency's Peer Support team since 2002 and provides training internationally on the topic.
John received his undergraduate degree in communication with a minor in psychology from Regis University graduating Summa Cum Laude and is currently pursuing his master's degree in counseling. Once he receives his counseling degree, he plans to provide counseling services to emergency responders and their families.
Email: jcopp817@gmail.com
Lt. Janna Salisbury
Lieutenant Janna Salisbury is an 18-year veteran of the NYPD, currently assigned as the Commanding Officer of the Employee Assistance Unit - the primary peer support resources for the NYPD's 53,000 uniformed and civilian employees. Lieutenant Salisbury holds Master's degrees in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Public Administration from Harvard University as well as a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice from Monmouth University. Lt. Salisbury has been an integral part of the development of the NYPD's peer network and an avid proponent of the Department's multidisciplinary approach to employee overall health and wellness.
Email: Janna.Salisbury@nypd.org
Twitter: @NYPDEAU_1085
Read more:
NYPD EAU webpage
Sgt. Brent MacIntyre
Brent MacIntyre has been a police officer for 23 years with the Ottawa Police Service. Throughout his career, Brent has worked in multiple areas including criminal investigations, emergency operations and on the front line. In the last three years, Brent has served as the Sergeant in charge of Peer Support which falls under the services new wellness umbrella. Brent's responsibilities include assisting members experiencing life challenges and implementing concrete measurable responses for the organization's wellness strategy. Brent is a strong advocate for the creation of a community of practice in assisting with challenges to bureaucratic processes.
Email: macintyreb@ottawapolice.ca
Twitter: @CampAftermath, @OTTFRF
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Mr. Joe Gazis
Joe is a clinical psychologist with over 30 years experience. He has worked as a police psychologist for Victoria Police in Melbourne, Australia for the last 20 years and has clinically managed the Victoria Police Peer Support program for the 16 years. Joe also initiated and strategically managed the establishment of the first Retired Police Peer Support Program in Australia. Advises on all aspects of program establishment and ongoing development. Developed and conducted the first four day training program for the volunteer retired Peers Support Officers. Contributes ongoing tertiary and secondary consultations as required.
Email: joe.gazis@police.vic.gov.au
Read more:
EQUIPT APP: Android App and Apple App
Denise Jablonski-Kaye, PhD
Dr. Denise Jablonski-Kaye is passionate about attending to the health and wellbeing of LAPD. She trains recruits to command staff, civilian to sworn. Topics include building resiliency, strengthening personal relationships, growing leaders, and preventing suicide. She coordinates the Peer Support Program and Critical Incident Response Team which provides countless hours of support. In 2017 she started the Resiliency Task Force to better meet the needs of employees. In September 2018 the task force hosted the 1st Annual Heart of LAPD 5K Walk to increase awareness of suicide. This year the walk has gone virtual.
Email: djkaye28@gmail.com
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