Day 2 - Session 5
Sept. 23, 11:00 - 11:50 am (EST/USA)
4:00 - 4:55 pm (London)
Sept. 24, 1:00 - 1:55 am (Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane)
Sept. 24, 3:30 - 3:55 am (New Zealand)
Implementing Police Resilience Programs
Peter Collins, MD
Operational Forensic Psychiatrist/Associate Professor
Ontario Provincial Police; Division of Forensic Psychiatry University of Toronto; Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto;
UK National Police Wellbeing Service - Implementing Personal Resilience Programs
Ian Hesketh, PhD
SRO, National Police Wellbeing Service UK; Wellbeing Lead, College of Policing (United Kingdom)
Dr. Hesketh will speak about our National Police Wellbeing Service (NPWS) and what we provide in relation to personal resilience. The overall aim of the NPWS is to build the individual resilience of officers and staff by developing their understanding and use of positive psychology, and other techniques, to enhance personal wellbeing and improve their ability to support others. He will also outline the programme and then provide a simple example of how officers and staff can use rituals in their daily lives.
The Power of POWER
Konstantinos Papazoglou, PhD
New Jersey City University (NJCU); The POWER Institute
Dr. Papazoglou presentation will focus on the POWER philosophy that aims to promote wellness and resilience in law enforcement. In addition, future directions of Dr. Papazoglou and his team's research work will be highlighted.
Tangible Resilience: A guide to using police training to strengthen mental and physical health reserves among police officers
Judith Andersen, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Mississauga; Affiliated Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
This talk defines tangible resilience and provides a concrete pathway by which organizations can comprehensively adopt this focus in support of all officers.
Resilience Among Police Officers: an Overview of the Used Concepts, Measures and Predictive Values of Resilience
Kim Janssens, MSc
Tranzo, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg University (Netherlands)
Resilience, hardiness and psychological capital are considered to be important capacities for police officers to cope with and adapt to challenging stressful and potentially traumatic situations. In this study, the used concepts, measures and found predictive values of resilience, hardiness and psychological capital were identified and compared.
Peter Collins, MD
Dr. Collins has been the operational forensic psychiatrist with the Ontario Provincial Police since 1995. Prior to that he was a member of the Violent Crime Analysis Section of the RCMP. Dr. Collins is a Lieutenant Commander (ret) with the Royal Canadian Navy reserves and served on 2 deployments to Southern Afghanistan.
Ian Hesketh, PhD
Dr Ian Hesketh is the Wellbeing Lead at the UK College of Policing and the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for the National Police Wellbeing Service in the UK. Ian also supports the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing at Manchester University Alliance Business School. He is an Honorary Researcher at Lancaster University Management School, an Honorary Fellow at Durham Business School and a Visiting Fellow at the Open University Business School. His research on Resilience most notably led to the introduction of the concept and phenomenon of Leaveism; used to explain human behaviors associated with workplace workload and stress.
Twitter: @IanHesky
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Konstantinos Papazoglou, PhD
Dr. Konstantinos Papazoglou, PhD is an assistant professor at New Jersey City University (NJCU), department of criminal justice and the director of the POWER Institute. He completed his appointment as a postdoctoral scholar at Yale University School of Medicine. He is a former police captain of the Hellenic Police Force and European Police College In addition, he is affiliated researcher with the Loss, Trauma, and Emotion Lab at Teachers College, Columbia University. His research work focuses on performance, wellness, and resilience promotion among law enforcement officers. He has collaborated as an expert with many law enforcement agencies in US, Canada, and Europe.
Twitter: @DrKonPapaz
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Judith Andersen, PhD
Professor Andersen is a health psychologist who specializes in the psychophysiology of stress related health issues and occupational performance. Prof. Andersen has more than 15 years of experience working with populations exposed to severe and chronic stress, including combat soldiers and police. Prof Andersen is the director of the Health Adaptation Research on Trauma (HART) Lab at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Her on-going research projects include resilience training among police and Special Forces teams in North America and Europe. Further, she is working to customize evidence-based resilience programs to address PTSD and OSI among first responder populations.
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Kim Janssens, MSc
Kim Janssens is a PhD-student at Tranzo, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Her PhD-project focuses on stigma and discrimination among unemployed people with mental health problems. In 2016-2017 she was a junior researcher working at INTERVICT, Tilburg University and the Dutch Police Academy. During this period, she studied the concept of resilience among police officers, which gained growing attention and popularity in the last years. Conducting a systematic review, the different concepts, measures and predictive values of resilience, hardiness and psychological capital in the police literature were identified. In 2015 she earned a Master of Science degree in Psychology (Cum Laude).
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